Here's how much sleep you really need

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Hello lovelies!

My blog now has a facebook page, and everything. It’s very exciting.

I hope you had a lovely weekend just like I did… And now it’s time to go to sleep so we’re all well-rested for tomorrow! But how long should you actually sleep for? 

It’s commonly known that lack of sleep has horrendous consequences. It increases appetite and slows down metabolism. Driving tired is effectively the same as driving inebriated. We get irritable, can’t focus, we get shaky, it’s just all around an unpleasant experience.

So how little is too little?

That completely depends on you. Personally, I’ve observed that my sweet spot is right around seven hours. If I sleep for seven hours, I’m a little groggy in the morning - nothing a nice latte can’t fix - but otherwise alert and productive all day (except for the inevitable 3 p.m. chocolate cookie slump, of course). Any less and I get really bitchy really fast. I’m serious. If I’ve slept less than 6 hours I’m basically unbearable. On the other hand, if I sleep a lot more than 7 – 8 hours, I tend to have a “lazy” day, where I’m feeling kind of tired and bleh all day and just not really up to anything. There is such a thing as sleeping too much!

So the lesson for today is: Find your sweet spot! A really good way to do that is set aside a week where you don’t have to get up in the morning, go to sleep at the same time every day (say, 10 or 11 pm) and then make a note of when you naturally wake up. Figure out the number of hours you slept every day, average them out at the end of the week – boom! That’s how much sleep you need.

Oh, and a final word of warning: NEVER cut down on sleep in the hopes of getting more work done. It’s not economical and you end up getting way less done than after a good night’s sleep. 

So with that, happy snooooozing! :)


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